Software quality assurance - Vulnerabilities will be past

At iPowersoft our main objective for any software delivery is to ensure that the procedures, processes, and products used to sustain and produce the software conform to all standards and requirements specified to govern those processes, procedures, and products.

Our quality assurance team focuses

  • Trustworthiness Either of malicious or unintentional origin we see no exploitable vulnerabilities exist.
  • Predictable Execution When our developed software is executed it will function as intended justifying our confidence.

iPowersoft Approach to QA

We implement a wide range of software testing methodologies.

Here are a few software testing methodologies we implement during both manual and automation testing.

iPowersoft Test coverage

Desktop app testing

Our software tester ensures complete quality analysis of your desktop application covering the entire architecture of the app - from frontend UI to backend data validations.

Web app testing

Our web app testing services cover the full range of web apps including content management systems to cloud-based web solutions.

Mobile app testing

Our mobile app testing services check the mobile app on standard parameters of reliability, compatibility, performance, UX on all the platforms and various screen sizes.

Technology Stack


  • Implementation of regression tests as per defined scope.
  • POM model, Webdriver, Java, Maven, Jenkins, TestNG


  • Implementation of assertion & Parameterization.
  • Implementation of Timers, Pre/Post-processor etc.
  • Review of result & reports.


  • To create, update and execute test cases and to manage them according to application’s version

JIRA/ Bugzilla/ Unfuddle

  • For reporting and further tracking of the bugs


  • For cross-browser & platform testing using virtual environment


  • For screen capturing and video recording of the screen


Single-Round Testing
A one-time set of manual testing activities to ensure your software fully complies with its requirements and is ready to go live.
Continuous Testing During Software Development
Functional, integration, and compatibility testing; testing of new functions, exploratory and regression testing that go in parallel with software development.
Continuous Testing During Software Support & Maintenance
Exploratory, regression, and testing of new software features to ensure you app’s availability and complete functioning during evolution.

Other Software QA Services

QA consulting

Quality assurance strategy development.

Quality assurance process audit.

Pre-certification preparation (product (HIPAA, GAMP, PCI DSS) and process (ISO9000, ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-3:2013) certifications).

Software quality assessment

If you need to ensure the solution’s compliance with industry-specific standards (HIPAA, GAMP, PCI DSS, GLBA, etc.) or decide whether to support legacy software or create/buy a new solution, we can provide software quality audit or assess the software code quality by performing its code review and code audit.

Why iPowersoft Testing-QA is essential in all major industry domains


We ensure that the logistics components, supply chains, and delivery mechanisms are tested for performance with functionality and minimum time frames.


We cover the entire retail IT spectrum and provide the appropriate test management approach for the warehouse, enterprise, in-store, and logistics solutions.


We provide comprehensive healthcare application testing by adhering to the regulations and adapting to the latest development and changing requirements.


As banking applications directly deal with confidential financial data, thus, by doing rigorous quality check, we ensure that the activities are not only executed well but also remain protected from hackers.


Telecom sector depends on the various types of software components to deliver many services like routing and switching, VoIP broadband access, etc. We ensure telecom testing by providing end-to-end service verification for various business processes.


E-learning software testing is becoming critical due to increased number of platforms and devices, growth in online content & digitalization. We ensure the defect free product/application with faster time to market and fulfil end customer requirement.

Our Unique Approach & Process

By initiating your project with Ipowersoft, you get a dedicated and skilled team backing you up round-the-clock. All our processes are customer-oriented, designed to reduce the cost of business operations, address IT resourcing challenges, and offer you a competitive edge. We start with a deep analysis of your requirements and continue our relationship with post-launch support and updates.


Research and Discovery


Validating and Shaping Idea


Design and Prototyping




Testing and
Quality Assurance


Maintenance and Support

Contact Us

With our customer friendly staff, We make every interaction a positive experience for you.

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